Tibia Fractures

Best Treatment for Tibia Fractures at Gangasheel Hospital - Bareilly
Department of Orthopedics and Joint Replacement

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What is Tibia Fractures ?

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the tibia is the most frequently fractured long bone in the body. A tibial fracture refers to a tear or break in the tibia.
The tibia is one of the two bones that together with the fibula make up the lower leg. The tibia is the larger of these two bones.

The tibia plays an important role in the mechanics of the body for the following reasons.

  • Larger of the two lower limb bones
  • Responsible for supporting most of the body weight
  • Important for proper mechanics of the knee and ankle joints common in other types of tissue injury. You should always seek medical attention.
  1. Long bones in the body are elastic, but there are many ways a person can fracture their tibia.
  2. Trauma, such as car accidents and falls
  3. Sports that cause repetitive impact on the shins, such as long-distance running
  4. Injuries from contact sports, such as American football
  5. Osteoporosis, in which the bones become weaker than normal.

Symptoms of tibia fractures may include:

  1. Localized pain in one area of the tibia or in multiple areas if there are multiple fractures
  2. Swelling of the leg
  3. Unable to stand, walk, or stand
  4. Deformity or unevenness of the leg Length of the shin
  5. Bruises or discoloration around
  6. Change in feeling in feet
  7. Bones protruding through skin
  8. Tent appearance with skin pushed up by bones.
  1. Treatment of tibial fractures depends on several factors, including general health at the time of injury, the cause and severity of the injury, and whether or not the soft tissue surrounding the tibia is damaged.
  2. In severe cases, surgery may be required to allow the bone to heal properly. Surgeons place metal screws and plates into the bone to lock it in place, minimizing long-term damage and allowing it to heal.
  3. The surgeon may also use a rod inserted into the tibia or a pin inserted through the bone above and below the fracture. These are attached to a rigid frame called an external fixator to hold the bone in place.
  4. If no action is required or not possible. B. For health reasons, a doctor may use the following treatments for a fractured tibia. The splint can be easily removed, making it a more flexible treatment option than surgical treatment.
  5. In less severe fractures, a traction or functional splint used to hold the bone in place until it heals.
  6. People with tibia fractures often need physical therapy and crutches or walkers to get back on track.

Yes, Tibia Fracture treatment is available in Bareilly at Gangasheel Hospital by the team of expert Orthopedics in the city.