Viral Fever

Best Treatment for Viral Fever at Gangasheel Hospital - Bareilly
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology

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What is Viral Fever ?

Most people have a body temperature of about 37°C. Anything one degree higher is considered a fever. A fever is often a sign that your body is fighting some kind of bacterial or viral infection. Viral fever is fever caused by an underlying viral illness.
A person can be affected by a variety of viral infections, from colds to the flu. A low-grade fever is a symptom of many viral infections. However, some viral infections, such as B. dengue, can cause higher fevers.
Read on to learn more about viral fever, including common symptoms and treatment options.

Viral fever ranges from 99°F to over 39°C (103°F) depending on the underlying virus.

If you have a viral fever, you may have the following general symptoms:

  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • These symptoms usually last a few days at most

Viral fever is caused by a viral infection. Viruses are very small infectious agents. They infect and multiply in your body's cells. Fever is the body's way of fighting off viruses. Many viruses are sensitive to temperature changes, so a sudden rise in body temperature can keep them at bay.
There are many ways to get the virus:-

  1. Inhalation:
    If someone with the virus sneezes or coughs nearby, you can breathe in virus-laden droplets. Examples of viral infections by inhalation are the flu and colds.
  2. Earnings:
    Food and drink can be contaminated with viruses. Eating them can lead to infection. Examples of viral infections by ingestion are norovirus and enterovirus.
  3. Bytes:
    Insects and other animals can transmit viruses. If they bite you, you may develop an infection

In most cases, viral fever does not require specific treatment. Unlike bacterial infections, it does not respond to antibiotics.
Instead, treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms. Common treatments include:

  • Take over-the-counter fever reducers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever and its symptoms
  • Get as much rest as possible
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated Replenish fluids lost through sweating
  • Antivirals such as Oseltamivir Phosphate (Tamiflu) to rehydrate, reduce body temperature by sitting in lukewarm water as needed.

Yes, Viral Fever treatment is available in Bareilly at Gangasheel Hospital by the team of expert Pediatrician in the city.