
Best Bronchoscopy Treatment in Bareilly - Gangasheel Hospital
Department of Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine

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What is Bronchoscopy?

Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to examine the lungs and airways. It is usually carried out by a doctor who specializes in lung diseases (pulmonologist). In bronchoscopy, a thin tube (bronchoscope) is passed through the nose or mouth. , down in the throat and into the lungs.

Lung disease is any problem in the lungs that prevents the lungs from functioning properly. There are three main types of lung disease: -

Respiratory diseases:-
These diseases affect the tubes (airways) that carry oxygen and other gases to and from the lungs. They usually cause narrowing or blockage of the airways. Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and bronchiectasis. People with respiratory conditions often say they feel like they are "breathing out through a straw."

Lung tissue disorders:-
These disorders affect the structure of the lung tissue. Scarring or inflammation of the tissues prevents the lungs from fully expanding (restrictive lung disease). This makes it difficult for the lungs to absorb and deliver oxygen. carbon dioxide. People with this type of lung disease often say they feel like they are "wearing a sweater or vest that is too tight." As a result, they cannot breathe deeply. Pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis are examples of lung tissue disorders.

Pulmonary Circulatory Disorders:-
These disorders affect the blood vessels in the lungs. They are caused by clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels. They impair the lungs' ability to take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Diseases can also affect heart function. An example of a disease of the pulmonary circulation is pulmonary hypertension. People with these disorders often feel very short of breath when they exercise.

There are many lung diseases involve a combination of these three types. Common Lung diseases includes:-

  • Swelling and inflammation in the main tubes (bronchi) that carry air to the lungs (bronchitis)
  • Asthma
  • Collapse of part or all of the lung
  • COPD
  • Lung cancer
  • Lung infection
  • Lungs filled with abnormal fluids
  • Blocked lung artery

  • Chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Bloody Cough
  • Chronic Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chronic mucus productions
  • Easy diagnosis
  • No major surgery
  • Painless
  • Detailed diagnosis
  • Remove fluid or mucus that plugs in the airway
  • Treat cancer using different techniques
  • Washout the airway
  • Drain Abscess

Yes, Bronchoscopy is available in Bareilly at Gangasheel Hospital by the team of expert Pulmonologists in the city.