[ Department of Neuro Surgery ]
Dr. Rajnikant Sahu
M.Ch. - Neuro Surgery
Senior Neuro & Trauma Surgeon
Educational Qualifications:-
⨀ M.Ch.(Neuro Surgery)
Year of passing: 2015
College: Sanjay Gandhi Post Gradute Instt. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow -
⨀ M.S.(General Surgery)
Year of passing: 2010
College: Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur. -
⨀ M.B.B.S.
Year of passing: 2003
College: Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur.
⨀ July'2010 to May'2011:
Senior Resident(Neuro Surgery) - Institute of human behavioural and applied Sciences, New Dehli.
⨀ July'2011 to Nov'2011:
Senior Resident(Neuro Surgery) - Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated Lok nayak Hospital, New Dehli.
⨀ As Consultant in Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Dehli.
⨀ Surgical Experience:-
✓ Vascular - Vascular malformations including cavernomas, AVM, aneurysm surgery.
✓ Tumors - Skull base lesion, supratentorial and infratentorial space occupying lesions.
✓ Spine - Transoral decompression, posterior fusion.
✓ Cervical - Corpectomies with instrumentation, neurofibromas, meningiom.
✓ Lumbar - Microdiscectomies, Spondylolisthesis (instrumentation), kyphoplasty.
✓ Pediatric - Medulloblatomas, Astrocytomas, Tethered cord, dermoids, meningomyelocele.
✓ Trauma - EDH, SDH, Contusions, depressed fracture, decompressive craniectomy.
Key Expertise:-
✓ Sahu RK, Das KK, Bhaisora KS, Singh AK, Mehtora A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Behai S, Jaiswal AK: Intramedullary tumours in pediatrics age group: An institutional Experience. Free paper session at 63th annual conference of nuerological society of india, Coimbatore, 11-14th Dec,2014.
✓ Sahu RK, Das KK, Mehtora A , Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S: Endoscopic double fenestration of supra-seller and third ventricular cystic Tumors conference of neuroscience society UP Neurocon - 2014, Bareilly, 9th January.
✓ Sahu RK, Das KK, Mehtora A, Srivastava AK, Sahu RN, Jaiswal AK, Behari S: Endoscopic double fenestration of supra-seller and third ventricular cystic Tumors neuroendoscopy, international federation of neuroendoscopy, Mumbai, 8-11th Dec,2013.